
World Domination Review

Deathless Anguish -World Domination (7,5/10)-Saudi Arabia-2003
Genre: Deathmetal
Label: Independant
Playing time: 30:24
World Domination
Revolutionary Carnage
Sick Soul
Kingdom of Hypocrisy


Deathless anguish is a one man band from Saudi Arabia presenting a 5 tracks demo explicit by its title "world domination" And its cover representing the " American " nebula in a quest of domination.
Concerning the style, we easily distinguish from the 1st listening an OLD SCHOOL DEATH kind, especially in the 1st track SINNER with OBITUARY influence.
In the 2nd track WORLD DOMINATION (my favourite track) we feel an infringement of the "old school" limits as it rubs a bit of grind with some speed passages and the good use of both high-pitched and deep vox .all this is well balanced by some very heavy passages nearly atmospheric. In short the song is to be listened and re-listened.
The 3rd one REVOLUTIONARY CARNAGE is composed by simple rhythms typically old school death reminding us a little bit the band SIX FEET UNDER ((it's a compliment)) with vocal passages close to napalm death ,and ending by a riff that we can find in morbid angel's "where the slime live" . Followed by the 4th track SICK SOUL which seemed to me a bit incompatible with the demo and the sound is different too, the structure seems anarchic As we say here (FAWDA) but it represents and matches well with the title "sick soul"
Then, it tends with the 5th track KINGDOM OF HYPOCRISY which puts us back in the demo state of mind by rocking us between the power of the old school death metal And the brutality of grind.
What we could maybe reproach to this demo is the bad production cuz the sound misses strength and the rhythm box ain't favourable when we play death metal in general
But we don't have to forget that it's a one man band from Saudi Arabia, and that the guy made huge efforts.
This deserves encouragements and supports.

Reviewed by El Djifaa English translation by N0cturnus


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