
Vastlands of Abomination Review

Nervecell -Vastlands of abomination(7,5/10)-UAE-2004
Genre: Deathcore
Label: Independant
Playing time: 10:05
Vastlands of abomination
The Darkened



Native of Dubai, this band plays actually deathcore, in these 2 tracks we feel the different influences of the band's members who converged in that style. There's a death metal influence in the vox parts, doomy in the atom parts with heavy riffs.
We notice a good sound quality as we distinguish all the instruments from the first listening.
The 1st track VAST LANDS OF ABOMINATION is composed by 2 parts, in which the 1st one there are many simple and powerful rhythms (as I like'em), the 2nd part contains many atmospheric oriental solos.
The structure of the 2nd song THE DARKNED is enough basic with a little intro of 10 seconds giving the impression that there's something wrong with your CD player.
The vocal passages are well divided through all the song. As we notice some "speed" parts which are a little bit short (for me)
Well, in short it a good deathcore, and pleasant to listen to.

Reviewed by El Djifaa English translation by N0cturnus


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