
They Will Burn Review

Ajdath-They will Burn(7,5/10)-Jordan-1999
Genre: Death/Thrash Metal
Label: Independant
Playing time: 16:56

Reign of Serpents
I'm The Terrorist
They Will Burn


Salam Bros. Get ready and open your ears with precaution, Jordanian sound has exploded trough some tacks of a band called AJDATH .
with a little surprise for those who watched the movie (A RISSALA) "the message".
ajdath play at an extraordinary high technical level, with some great oriental sounding solos ,non fuckin' compromise thrash death metal guitar riffs and very fast blast beats drums parts!!
mixing oriental music and trash/ death metal, they come off sounding like a mix of agressive speed trash/death metal with folk melodies.
The problem to work through is with the production, it is rather rough, having a sort of unmixed sound, but everything is clear and audible, and shows off the immense talent that Ajdath have between them.The vocals lack of something and they should be improved with more feeling and precision.
I am sure their studio-works will be killer, so it is worth to wait for their official release !!


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