
Luay Refai Demo Review

Blaspherion -The Night Before Mourning(3/10)-UAE -2005
Genre: Black Metal
Label: Independent
Playing time: 7:35
Excerpts From the Stormfront (Intro)
The Night Before Mourning



First demo of a band who plays a raw old-school black metal. This is a 3 demo tracks that is not easy to digest. The intro states the band's intentions: It's a patriotic hymn. the Nazi Hymn! Is this an NS black metal band from the Emirates? That sounds absurd and tasteless, coming from an Arabic band.
Let's try to forget the artwork and the intro. Let's see if the band catches up in the two other tracks. In vain. The drum machine is efficient, the riffs are powerful yet simplistic, the singing tears everything apart, and the sound is raw. Nothing more. Where is the sound purification, the dark ambiance of black metal? The result if just flat; a rhythmic that's repeated on both tracks, " Requiem " and " The Night before Mourning ", the riffs sound the same and are almost linear.
The only comment that I have is that the band lacks of originality (except for its approach and imagery). The production is below my expectations: about 9 minutes of music that lacks of darkness and particularly of feeling…the only positive thing is the vocals. That's why I give them that modest mark.
As a conclusion, I'd give Blaspherion this advice: you should care about the music more than about your imagery. It is not that important, even if NS Black metal is unfortunately very trendy.

Reviewed by +Ben+ English translation by Raders


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