
Provenance of Hatred Review

Kaoteon -Provenance of of a Hatred(9/10)-Lebanon-2004
Genre: Black Metal
Label: UHR records
Playing time: 13:14
Provenance of of a Hatred


Before listening to this 3 tracks demo, I was expecting a raw black metal band with a shitty sound, BUT it contrarily seems one of the best realizations that I've ever reported in this section.
The first thing we notice is the singing which is really versatile and very powerful, you'll have right to some sharp and acute black metal vox kind, a loud and screamy voice, and guttural too, without forgetting some " pig vocals " passages which aren't generally used in black metal , it gives originality to that band.
For a first demo, the production is not bad at all ! The drums sound is excellent and well mixed.The guitar has clear and typical black metal tones. A little bit more bass and it would be perfect.
Unfortunately I cannot say anything about the packaging cuz i received this demo via internet, Because in Lebanon it's forbidden to send or receive metal CD's!! !
The first track 'decrepitude' is the most successful starting with Mediterranean melodies riffs,On the screamy voice of Sir Wolflust and Riad's blast beats, The most interesting part is the break with a typical black metal passage adapted to an affirmed grinder vocals .The second track 'Provenance of hatred' starts with an oriental heavy/black metal kind à la melechesh with an impressive voice play of Sir Wolflust linked together with blast beats and mid tempo passages.And to finish, " wrenched " is the track in which the singer extracts all his stomach, except that musically the song remains not really interesting and a little bit humdrum and monotonous.
In some wordsI might say that this band has a promising future, and I hope that their fucking government will stop forbidding this kind of music - fuck the system-

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by N0cturnus


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