

Out body experience is the first tunisian metal band i ever listen to.This interview was made with Slim one of the members via E-mail."We have chosen this name "Out Body Experience" because, we would realise an experience out of our Body, ..."

HI, could you introduce your band saying something about the name, music and maybe adding a few hints about the history?
Out Body Experience was found on October 2001 by the idea of both members: Slim Dridi (vocal) and Zied Ben Tahar (guitar) under the name of "Buried Wounds", then Hichem (Bass), Yassine (clavier), Wajdi (drum) and Elyes (violin) have joined the band under another name "Out Body Experience". We try to write varied music melting brutal atmosphere with melancholic and exotic (oriental) one.

"Out body experience" have a curious and interesting meaning please explains to our readers the meaning and why do choose it like name of the band??
We have chosen this name "Out Body Experience" because, we would realise an experience out of our Body, on of this material word, and it's the world of the suffering soul.

You're first Tunisian metal band I ever listened to, is there any other metal band in your country? Is there a kind of metal scene? (Radios, labels, zines, webzines ....)
Maybe, we are the first metal band you ever listened to, but there are many other Metal bands in our country who were known before us like Occulta , Madshock , Myseria.
No there isn't a kind of metal scene Tunisia.

How did exactly come the idea of recording Millenium legendary demo?
It was an idea coming from all the members of the band

The sound is quite good, where did you record it? I suppose it isn't easy to find a studio suitable for metal albums in Tunisia, is it?
Our Album was recorded with simple P.C in the little room of our bassist Hichem because it was impossible to find suitable studio for metal Album in Tunisia.

You have used violin and keyboards (organ sound) in this demo, have you planned to use in the future some traditional instruments from your country?
Until now, we haven't had the idea of adding some Tunisian traditional instrument but we will see in the future.

Lyrics aren't on CD, What are them on 'millenium legendary' all about? Can you explain the lyrics of each song briefly?
Millenium legendary is a demo telling about the (home) relationship with him self with life's experience: religion, killer, with nature and the sensitive World, the relation ship between body and soul.

Does O.B.E and its members have any specific idols, whose influences can be heard in the music?
Yes , the members of Out Body Experience have many idols who influences their music like My Dying Bride , Death , Septic Flesh , Peccatum , Dark Funeral , Opeth , but what you can listen to in our music is the result of the mixture of all their Kind of metal music .

Did you ever play live? I suppose it'd be easy to play concerts in your country?
Yes we have already played live but organizing metal concerts in my country is steel very difficult.

Is there any band you would like to play as a support act for?
Yes we could like to play as a support act for many groups like Litham, Dark Funeral, Emperor, and My dying Bride.

Your Demo seems to harvest some good reviews in metallic internet and that's no wonder, because a thing well done is a half of the victory. Have you received any offers from record companies? Would O.B.E be ready to record their debut album?
Yes , we have received an offer from (Graf Record)(Netherlands) for a tape record but there was some problem to realise this project .Out BodyExperience have already recorded their Album but it was in some quality of sound.

Now let's talk about maghrebian metal scene, do you have knowledge or relationship with some bands from those countries? (Can u recommend us some bands?)
Yes Out Body Experience have many relation ships with some maghrebian metal bands like "LITHAM".

Can we compare it with the European and the US metal scene? And what are the differences with those ones?
When we listen to European or Us metal and maghrebian band , the differences that we can notice are the quality of record and the music style because the second ones are very affected by the oriental music .

Most of Maghrebian metal bands sound different than other metal bands, for example when we listen to "DHAL ENNAR" (LITHAM album) or "MILLENIUM LEGENDARY"(O.B.E demo) there are some maghrebian music influences. So please can you explain us the reason of this? Is this a promotional choice or just artistic?
The reason of this is that we are looking for creating a maghrebian metal scene.

The LELAHEL WEBSITE is intended to be a document of the current state of the Maghrebian underground from the unsigned to the major players in the international scene. Any and all worthwhile Maghrebian bands will be supported as much as possible by providing a platform for their news and information.
In the future we are planning other events like a maghrebian fest; a compilation and something like that (UNION IS THE KEY). So what you think about our concept? All propositions and advices are welcome!!

We are very interested in your future plans and concepts besides we will try to do our best to support and help you, and for moment our suggestion is to add some music little of maghrebian bands in your website.

Thanks for the interview, add a few words for the readers if you like
So thank you for your interview and we wish all the success for (LELAHEL Website) in the maghreb and why not in all over the world.

Interview by Lelahel



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