
Luay Refai Demo Review

Luay Refai -Demo (9/10)-Syria -2005
Genre: Guitar Heroe
Label: Independent
Playing time: 27:18
Not Availabe



This opus is a gem. I'm no big fan of guitar-heroes, but Luay Rifai is a band that not only the amateurs are going to like, but the novice too. An electric duet, surfing between Oriental tones and instrumental power metal à la Symphony X. This is a professional work, from writing to production, which is rare, especially when it's a home-made product. Pure auto-production, harmony in the instrumentation of the drum machine (which sounds great), without mentioning the ambiant effects that take us straight to a journey in Luay Rifai's universe.
What is else to say, besides: " nice one! ". We Arabs don't have to be ashamed anymore: we do have our guitar heroes.

Reviewed by +Ben+ English translation by Raders


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