
God's Wrath Review

Kimaera -God's Wrath (single) (7/10)-Lebanon-2004
Genre: Symphonic/Heavy/Gothic/Doom Death
Label: Independant
Playing time: 10:32
God's Wrath



That makes more than 2 weeks that I tried to obtain the Kimaera demo, and I finally have it between my hands, I tried to imagine how this mixture of death, doom, gothic symphonic heavy sounds can! As many styles in only one title I guess its worth to drool over, but I don't like etiquettes too much.
I send the pancake in the eater of pancake and let's start with the beginning: a death vocal that wakes you up while projecting you in deepest of abysses and that is enough yelling but doesn't have nothing of innovative , remained to underline that J.P bawls well even very well.
in instruments, expect a certain richness, with guitars, keyboards, bass, drum. And please sir, a violin too. A good technical level in drums to note that the rhythm is rather slow and sometimes some accelerations mid - tempo.
Let's pass to keyboards which are very well performed with the omnipresent atmospheric slicks on all along the piece, some melodies in the beginning a few too repetitive to my taste, without forgetting a sound of organ and piano.
Melodically talking they cross the classical music to a hint of oriental melody and sometimes baroque getting perfectly married to the death vox of J.P, especially Sabine's voice that assures as much on the singed parts as the whispered ones in the end. In short what seduced me indeed that is the soprano voice that is not indeed very class but equal to her beauty.
Parts of bass and violin are performed very well but remain a little discreet, with also, guitar riffs enough heavy and that recall us often My Dying Bride.
Therefore I will say that it is a very good production for a first demo that comes us directly from Lebanon, with this progressive and melancholic piece that takes you at a time in an abyssal, mystical and charming world.
Even though we want some more and more in my opinion it would be great if the band integrates in its music a masculine clear singing as well as a lyric singing without forgetting some zest of folk music so it gives more melancholy and originality in their composition spirit.

Reviewed by +Ben+ English translation by N0cturnus


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