
The Fading Scene of Life Review

Worth -The Fading Scene of Life(7/10)-Algeria-2004
Genre: Heavy Power Death metal
Label: Independent
Playing time: 19:04
Wrath of Gaia
Trapped between Past and Future
The Way of Dead Live


Five years after its creation, in 1999, this band from Algiers releases its first three-track demo called "The Fading Scene of Life", with a Heavy Power Metal sound with a hint of old In Flames-like swedish influences.
As far as the production is concerned, I had higher expectations since the demo has been recorded in a studio and they had 10 days to finalize it.
Anyway, for a demo, it's better than the average. The weak point is the drums sound, with too high-pitched bass drum sound and a snare that's sometimes too dominant. Aside from that, the other instruments are well audible (even though a more agressive guitar sound would have perfectly fitted in).
The musicians do master their instruments, the lead guitarists are quite versatile, the drummer and the bassist do their jobs and the vocalist had a screaming yet well controled voiced, that sound like Alexi Laiho's, on the other hand, his clear vocals should be improved.
The first track " Wrath of Gaia " is characterized with its heavy main riff with a power metal tendency, the lyrical (sometimes screaming) singing, a progressive break at the middle and a rather bluesy solo with a few sweepings.
The second track, " Trapped Between Past and Future ", that I would describe as a kind of a time-travel, starts with an arpeggio and clear, lyrical vocals, then follows pure traditional heavy metal riffs that alternate with melodic and catchy gothenburg-flavoured riffs, and a solo that reminds of Iron Maiden.
As a conclusion comes " The Way of Dead Live ", which is the most varying and changeable track, with a good blast beat at the beginning, though it remains a bit timid through the song, then some speed and heavy metal riffs, with the famous Gothenburg flavour, and a melodic solo with a classical touch, and of course the melancholic arpeggio and lyrical singing.
To sum it all up, I think it's a good start, and I hope that they'll try to work on their songwriting, harmonize their style, and, of course, to personalize it with a little touch of originality.

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by Raders


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