
Dream of the Dead Review

Melmoth -Dream of the Dead (7/10)-Tunisia-2004
Genre: Heavy Black Metal
Label: Independant
Playing time: 26:49

Dream of the Dead
Methode of Damnation
A rise from the hell


Melmoth is a Tunisian heavy/black metal band (in their biography they claim themselves as being a black/death metal band but I don't share this opinion indeed), I had the opportunity to meet them during the second lelahel festival edition, but I could not really know what it was worth, cuz the drummer was absent
So here is their 1st 4 tracks demo, which offers us a heavy/black metal (which is not really original) but very efficient on the whole.
The production is good enough for a first tentative. Bass and keyboards are dominants and well mixed with the whole. The weak points are guitars that are often put behind plane and endowed of a sound a little too squeaky, and sometimes the rhythm and the singing saturate much...
The demo begins with ' DREAM OF TEA DEAD' endowed of an intro in the vein of c.o.f following heavy passages and some very atmospheric breaks.
The 2nd title is my favorite ' METHOD OF DAMNATION' that begins with a bass/drums intro and that links together in an oriental way with some blast beats (very soft!) And heavy riffs with very enthralling melodies. Then comes " TORN" and its intro which isn't really original: bass arpeggios and some feminine vox that embellish the atmosphere, then you will have right to heavy riffs and breaks that are in my point of view a little too long.
And to finish ' A RISE FROM THE HELL' that begins with a bass/ derbouka" percussion" /keyboard that enriches more this song, a little too repetitive on some passages " a rise, a rise from the hell,……"
On the whole I will say that this demo deserves all your attention and your support.

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by N0cturnus


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