
Dependent on Beauty Review

Homicidal -Dependent on Beauty(8/10)-Algeria-2004
Genre: DeathMetal
Label: Independent
Playing time: 15:57
Dependent on Beauty
Horrific Visions
From The Bleeding Womb
Avenge on The Refusal
Horrific Visions (remix)


Wow ! what a pleasure to make a report of my Algerian colleagues of Homicidal, cause they'll take us back to10 years ago, in the time when the old school brutal death metal was all the rage with the famous "eaten back to life" of cannibal corpse or the delicious Suffocation's "effigy of the forgotten".
The production is more than respectable and well audible with attentive and involved guitars, A well programmed rhythm box which is accurate and faithful to the acoustic sound , and an audible bass, except the vocal part which for me misses presence, "skinned alive" should be worked in an other way that could give much more strength and punch.
The first track that gives the idea and the name of the demo is in my point of view the must of this realisation , with a main riff à la vader followed on with riffs reminding us cannibal corpse ( in chris barnes period) that kicks asses and finishing with a solo a la jack owen.
" you look right into their eyes, and ata glance you see their lives leaving their bodies " A little intro that resumes well what follows with a succession of riffs with blast beats and a dragging mid tempo in the middle , without forgetting a little Owenian touch to end the track. Infatuation is a little passage of 28 seconds considered as a little break which confirms the corpsian influence of homicidal .
From the bleeding womb is the most brutal and powerful track in this demo , with a dynamic intro riff followed, with a worthy of the old US detah metal blast beat, alterned with some mid tempos , without forgetting by the end a little demonstration of "skinned alive" 's talent with a shout coming from the depth of the guts.
A little padding out isn't a crime with "avenge on the refusal" (an ambient inrtumental) Which if followed by a remixed version of "horrific visions" and which hasn't really an interest in this opus , cuz the verion in the 2nd track is much more better and more powerful. By the end I think that you won't be disappointed by the quality of this demo inspite of some gaps which I hope will be improved in the upcoming demo ( just a little scoop , it wil be soon in our hands, that I am eager to listen to it).

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by N0cturnus


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