
Covereless Truth Review

Esodic -Covereless Truth(9/10)-Jordan-2003
Genre: Thrash Death Metal
Label: Independant
Playing time: 9:14

Dawn of Victory
Blind Fate -Turab-


Fasten your belts! This skud from Jordan is a pure wonder including unfortunately only two songs!
At first, we'll notice the quality of the sound that is indeed good and valorizes well this thrash/death influenced by the surge old school of the 80's thrash metal (Kreator, Sodom, Slayer, Sepultura, Destruction…).
The first song 'dawn of victory' makes us remember Kreator at the time of 'Coma of Souls' with an intro that seems like a 'People of the lie' one, powerful and fast enough riffs adding such as Mile Petrozza solo.
The second song 'Blind fate-Turab' is nearly cooked as the first but with a little oriental scale, which offers it a better flavor, and originality, according to me it's due to the topic approached treating the Palestinian reason.
The only weakness that remains is the singing, which is too linear and not aggressive enough. (Matt: you should sometimes draw in the sharp!)
While waiting for the album that risks being a virtuous marvel and hoping a better Jordanian metal situation
(Read Esodic's interview) I counsel you briskly the demo.

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by Fallen Angel


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