
Ancient Skies Review

Empyrean -Ancient Skies(5/10)-UAE-2005
Genre: Progressive Metal
Label: Independent
Playing time: 21:46
Death Whispers
Ancient Skies
Shores of Acheron


Since the first notes, we can immediately feel the omnipresent influence of Children Of Bodomon this young emirati band, whose this is the first experience.
The production is rather good for a demo, but the drum machine needs more application for the sound and programmation.
The musicians have good skills, but they should expand their listening in order to be more creative and to avoid sounding exactly like their idols.
First track, "Death whispers", could be a Children Of Bodom song: heavy riffing, melodic guitars and neverending soli that should be a bit improved. Not to mention the perfect imitation of Sir Alexi Laiho on the vocals.
Second track, "Resist", is a little less powerful than the previous one. It starts with a heavy riff and spoken words that alternate with a screaming singing, and interfere between two quite long soli, and at the end an arpeggio with more melodic soli, then back to the opening riff.
The third track (S/T) of this EP is the longest one of the four. With a rather powerful opening riff, that doesn't last long, then a clear riff that reminds of Iron Maiden (musically) and Planet Caravan (vocally). Then back to heavy riffing and soli, and here we go again. At the end comes the little keyboards demonstration, with the young Natash Moulhi, and then the mai riff.
Last track, " Shores of Acheron ", a bit more in a progressive vein than the other tracks. Again, the variation of riffs should be improved.
As a conclusion, I think that the band should work a bit more on their writing process, and try to be more creative and especially less predictable. Am I wrong?

Reviewed by Lelahel English translation by Raders


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